Sunday, 4 March 2012

FEMEN - Political protest with a difference

The scale of upheaval worldwide over the last number of years is defining a new worldview for all of us. The scale of the economic collapses, the Arab spring which continues over a year later with blood on Syrian streets.

So how (refreshingly? - is that the right word to use?) to have come across FEMEN.  Founded by Kiev University students Anna Hutsol and Alexandra Shevchenko in 2008, this is a political protest group with a difference. Two differences actually.

Numbering 300+ this female group protest topless. They are 'topless warriors'. Initially and primarily concerned with domestic Ukrainian and women's issues ( "To develop leadership, intellectual and moral qualities of the young women in Ukraine" and "To build up the image of Ukraine, the country with great opportunities for women") they have since tackled international issues e.g Women's rights in Iran, the Catholic Church, Euro 2012 to name but a few, and inspired similar movments in other countries.

Check out for full info and updates.

Here is a taste of what to expect;

FEMEN - The 'topless' protest group (1)

FEMEN - The 'topless' protest group (2)

FEMEN - The 'topless' protest group (3)

Or take a look at this;

Brave women of FEMEN, I salute you! I will post updates on FEMEN as I get them.

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